Once you've received a lesson, you'll have access to it for 6 months. Lessons are all pre-recorded and available online, anytime. Watch any lesson as many times as you want! You can access videos with your phone, tablet, computer, or on any SMART TV that allows you to project your mobile screen.
*Note: There are no *live* components to this course. All pre-recorded to view at your own leisure.
If you haven't received an email from "Liz London Bellydance" within 24 hours, contact liz@sparkyourwork.com or text 901*605*5520 to reach me personally.
(To use credit or debit, simply click the button below, scroll past the Paypal Login window and select "Pay with Credit or Debit" or "Continue as Guest". You'll need to enter an email address in order to receive your video links.)